P2PU | #7 You’re Live

This is the final product for the p2pu webmaking101 challenges: my glorious 101webmaking challenge blog!

Just joking. This is the blog I’ve created to trace my journey through p2pu courses and challenges.

I’ve already written a fair amount of posts related to my experience on p2pu.

Actually, I’ve been tinkering around HTML and websites since I was a kid (age 13).

My very first website was hosted by a service called Geocities, provided by Yahoo! Ah, the good ol’ days!

Geocities didn’t last much. It was closed down some years later and then I moved to another service.

Eventually I gave up looking for hosting solutions and all the jiggery stuff of installing and running a website from scratch and embraced the convenience and user-friendly ease of blogging platforms.

I’ve tried several: Wodrpress.com, Blogspot, Tumblr… My favs are Blogspot and Tumblr but for this particular project I chose WordPress.com because it’s kinda stand alone – there’s not the hassle of having to set up a G+ profile – and the system to leave comments to post is much nicer than Tumblr; which doesn’t really have a decent service for comments of its own and you need to use third-part, like Disqus, but many people don’t quite understand how Disqus works.

Anyway, this is my p2pu logbook. I hope it will be of some use to other peers too.